Do you know the countries of the world? How fast can you point to India, Venezuela or Papa New Guina ? Speed Geography is an addictive game that tests your speed and challenges your memory.
- Beautiful map with multi zoom levels.
- Hundreds of labeled countries from all the regions of the world.
- Points for precision and speed.
- Bonus points for five consecutive correct answers in a row or longer combos.
- A magnifier appears when holding a finger on an image allowing more precision.
- Multiple language support (currently English and French).
- Additional information on countries from Wikipedia available without leaving the game.
- A friendly developer open to suggestions. Don't hesitate to send me an e-mail if something is missing or not quite right. :-)

If you are tackling geography in high school or university, this is a must have game that makes learning fun. The game includes a practice mode that allows going over specific regions without doing all the previous levels and a review mode that replays the mistakes made in the previous game.
Additional level packs will be made available to purchase in game (Currently Capitals of the world).
Available on the app store.
Try the free Lite version.

©Benoit Essiambre 2010